
Richard Savant, Milwaukee:
Care-O-Pet is one of the best medications for dogs with inflammatory processes that are now available on the market. I tell you this as a vet with more than 20 years of active surgery practice. Care-O-Pet is very effective in inflammation treatment, it reduces the painful sensations when a dog has orthopedic problems and needs to undergo some treatment, especially surgery. Besides Care-O-Pet quickens the recovery period and makes it less painful and risky. The chance of inflammation recurrence in next to null. During the years I work as a vet I have seen many dogs with movement problems, old and young, and the majority of them react very positively on Care-O-Pet treatment. Their life quality is greatly improved even if the disorder is neglected and surgery can no longer be a solution. They live till the end of their lives with much less pain when on Care-O-Pet. So if your dog has similar problems, think about buying Care-O-Pet after a consultation with your vet of course.

Mike Meyer, Chicago:
I have a 12-year-old St. Bernard dog, it is a real member of our family and lots of different stories that are dear to us are connected with the dog. But it is rather old and in spite of his active life and our care he developed some osteoarthritis condition. It is painful for Bart to walk and it's unbearable for us to see him suffer. We have taken him to different vets before the final diagnosis was set. Unfortunately he also has problems with his heart and can not survive a surgery so we need to give hive pain relievers constantly to stop his sufferings. As the doctor told us Care-O-Pet is the best solution for a dog like ours. The medication is safe and effective even in such big and old dogs. The relief is almost immediate and Bart becomes active and happy again for a long period of time. We all hope that Care-O-Pet remains effective and reduces the pain for as long as Bart decides to stay with us.

Brian Talbot, Yellowknife:
About half a year ago our dog started having some problems with his hind legs. He couldn't straighten them completely and was moving on his legs partially bent. Besides it was obvious that he has pain when moving. At first we thought he somehow hurt one or both his hind legs and the pain will disappear soon, but when a week passed and nothing changed we started to worry. The thing is that Chester is a gundog and he is very active, loves to run and jump and the difference was drastic, he looked so unhappy. We took the dog to our vet and he observed him carefully. Then he made some X-ray pics and told us that Chester had osteoarthritis and that one of his knees was badly effected and probably some surgery will be needed. He prescribed Care-O-Pet for medicamental treatment and told us that the drug will help reduce the inflammation and relieve the pain Chester has. Besides we kept him on Care-O-Pet after the surgery and his recovery was not painful and less long-lasting. Now we still give Chester Care-O-Pet to maintain the effect and keep osteoarthritis from development. The medication obviously works well, it is evident that the dog has no more pain and is almost as active as before. We are extremely grateful to the doctors and Care-O-Pet creators.

Oliver Preston, Edmonton:
Last year my husky caught some strange infection and his leg got inflamed. I think it was during one of our mountain tours, he had probably wounded the leg in some place difficult to see. And when I noticed him limping the wound was already inflamed and I think some 3 or 4 days have passed. So I first tried to help with some traditional methods, like herbal ointments and topicals, but he would lick away all the treatment or simply wouldn't let me have a look at the leg. So I was afraid that things could get worse and there would be some complications with the dog's leg, that's why I took him to our local vet. He put my dog on Care-O-Pet to relieve the pain and stop the inflammation process. The pills are chewable and have some flavor interesting from the point of view of a dog. So my husky ate them eagerly, there were no problems with treatment organization. And what is more important the medication turned out to be very effective. Care-O-Pet took away the pain - it was obvious as walking caused no more unpleasant sensations in the dog. And the leg healed pretty soon. I am very satisfied with the drug and I am happy I didn't wait too long, but addressed the vet.

Steven McQueen, Harrisburg:
Some two weeks ago my Arnold had a bad fight with a stray dog. I was a bit late to separate them and the dog was very big, so they had injured each other quite a bit. Arnold had his tail severely bitten and there was something wrong with his leg, he wouldn't let me see. Walking was painful for him and the tail got swollen. Besides the stray dog has torn Arny's left ear severely. I was afraid that the dog could have rabies or some infection and Arny could get infected too. So I took him to the vet. There we had his wounds sanitized and the doctor prescribed Care-O-Pet as an anti-inflammatory solution. He said it also has some pain-relief effect so the dog would only benefit from the medication. Indeed the treatment course considerably improved Arnold's condition. His wounds healed soon and there were no complications after the fight. Now I always have Care-O-Pet at home as you never know what might happen to your dog when there are lots of stray animals around. I would recommend this medication to other dog owners.

Camilla Henry, Billings:
At the beginning of spring my dog - a Labrador retriever who is already 12 years had a surgery connected with osteoarthritis of his hint legs. The dog if comparatively old and there was nothing too strange in the development of the disease, however it was a difficult operation and I worried a lot about my friend. Our vet prescribed Rex with Care-O-Pet for the post-operative period to relieve his pain and soothe possible inflammation. The medication did its job perfectly well. It was obvious that after a dosage the pain would go away and the dog was much more peaceful and calm. Besides it was very easy to administer the treatment - the pills have pleasant taste and scent so dogs eat them with pleasure. It's great contemporary vets have such friendly solutions for our pets. I give the drug a ten!