
Isabella Rosman, Dallas:
I am a 35 year old woman and last year I suddenly developed acute urinary retention. I undergone an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder, there was nothing abnormal according to the results though. The sensations were absolutely awful and urinary retention would leave me in the bathroom for half an hour sometimes. The flow was slow at first and then it just would stop. My urologist put me on Urivoid and things improved. The flow restored, pain went away and I have no more problems with emptying my bladder. There were no side effects that I would notice. Excellent medication!

David P., Edmonton:
Urivoid has worked for helping me to get rid of my urinary retention symptoms. I can now go to the bathroom when I want without spending a lot of time there waiting for a miracle to happen. I suffered a lot before I was prescribed with Urivoid as no other medication helped me with the disorder. I've only used it for 1 month, and then all my problems vanished! No the flow is normal and there is no more retention. No significant side effects, only minor dizziness, stuffy nose but all seem to come and go. So if your bladder needs help with getting rid of the urine in it, Urivoid seems to be the right solution. But don't you forget to consult with your urologist first!

Frank Holmes, Princeton:
For about a month I took Urivoid to treat my urinary problems. My doctor switched me to this medication after another drug failed to help me. By that time I was already worn to death by the disorder. It is very annoying when you have to spend hours in the bathroom to get your stuff done. And the pain at times is unbearable. The treatment period is not long enough to make certain judgments but I can see that Urivoid does its job all right. The flow is getting gradually better, the time I spend in the toilet decreases. Other symptoms are about to disappear as well. What is also very important for me is that Urivoid hasn't affected my erection and ejaculation, unlike the drug I took before. Urivoid is not expensive what is also a big advantage! So, I recommend it to others, definitely.

Robert Pemberton, Washington:
My doctor prescribed Urivoid daily because of frequent urge to urinate with no success however. The problems with my bladder affected my sex life greatly and it was not tolerable. I took the medication for a month and it worked out miracles. Urinary retention stepped aside, no I can urinate without any difficulty. Side effects were minimal and just at the very beginning of treatment. If the side effects are so minimal and the benefits really great, I consider the drug to be outstanding! I would like to say thanks to the drug manufacturer! My experience with Urivoid is more than positive!