
Ulrich Bethke, Louisville :
I have been having continuous heartburn, nausea and general sickness because of my stomach problems for years. I have been taken Reglan for half a year now and my stomach has not felt this good in years. I hope Reglan won't lose its effectiveness and will continue to work. With this medication I can sleep late because I am not getting up to take an antacid drug.

Andreas Palmer, Toronto:
I have ulcers and lots of vomiting and nausea associated with them. I have close friends in the medical field and they assured me that the chances of terrible side effects after taking Reglan are minimal. After weeks of debating with my general practitioner, I finally agreed to take Reglan. It takes about 15 to 20 minutes for Reglan to kick in but it works 100%. It has helped me immensely. Goodluck!

Mateo Tonelli, Boston area:
I have had problems with my stomach since early childhood. So far doctors failed to find the underlying cause. However, one of them was clever enough to prescribe Reglan and amazingly it works! I have been taking this medication for over a year now. During this time I didn't see any side effects or consequences. I think it definitely helps and is worth the money you pay for it.
I have gastric paresis. Therefore I know for sure what in nausea and vomiting, as well as diarrhea and stomach cramps. I have taken Reglan for a long time and it is wonderful. I personally feel it gave me back my quality of life. If I feel sick I take it and I do not get sick. I have not noticed any side effects. I just feel so much better and I know other people who take Reglan and they feel better also. This medicine is a blessing for me.
I have gastric paresis. Therefore I know for sure what in nausea and vomiting, as well as diarrhea and stomach cramps. I have taken Reglan for a long time and it is wonderful. I personally feel it gave me back my quality of life. If I feel sick I take it and I do not get sick. I have not noticed any side effects. I just feel so much better and I know other people who take Reglan and they feel better also. This medicine is a blessing for me.