
Leopold S., Ottawa:
I've taken Mestinon for more than four years, and I have tried a dozen more meds since I was first diagnosed with myasthenia gravis. The diagnosis is awful and the disease is even more difficult to live with. It is killing you both from the outside and from the inside. You feel yourself getting into a miserable wreck who at the end can not keep the eyes open from weakness. This prospective made me look for a solution everywhere where there was a hint of getting one. That is why I have tried all those meds that claimed to help me forget about myasthenia. Mestinon is the only one that is acceptable in terms of contradictions, side effects and the way it works. It decreases my weakness effectively, without causing serious problems. I feel dizzy from time to time, but it's nothing in comparison to the benefits Mestinon brings to me.

Omar Timberlake, MA:
I was prescribed with Mestinon to treat my ocular myasthenia gravis. I am very surprised to see how effective this medication is after many disappointments with other drugs. Mestinon eliminates almost all the symptoms I have like weakness, inability to control my balance when walking, shortness of breathing and other. Myasthenia gravis is a serious disease. It's not diarrhea and you should be ready for side effects medications may have. With Mestinon I faced indigestion during the first week of treatment, then it disappeared. Now I only have occasional dizziness. But in general the medication is the best thing I have tried for my myasthenia.

Melissa W., Yellowknife:
Mestinon has literally given me back my life. Myasthenia gravis was a shocking diagnosis for me. But I decided to struggle for my life and my efforts were praised with this amazing medication. With the help of Mestinon I can walk and cook without assistance. Sometimes I can even write or type like today. Weakness comes back at times, but my condition isn't getting worse for more than two years now! For me it's an excellent result!

Stella Perkins, Santa Fe:
I started taking Mestinon for my myasthenia gravis about half a year ago and I have noticed considerable improvement since that time. Before this medication I have been on several other meds for the same condition but they were not effective. Mestinon on the contrary is a success for me. This drug gave me hope and this is a lot! Hope in a year I will feel myself even better. The light migraine I have after my morning dosage is not significant with the improvement I see.