
Harry Mars, Huston:
I take this Atarax for anxiety and it does its job perfectly well. I was having serious problems with falling asleep due countless things going on in my head: what happened to me today, what I have to do tomorrow, etc. Sometimes I could be up for till morning without any chance of sleep. When I started taking Atarax, I felt myself much more confident and calm and my problems with going to bed disappeared. It is a quality medication at a reasonable price.

Nick Moor, Boston:
I've had seriously awful hives. I have been suffering from the disease for about two month and Atarax turned out to be the only medication that really helped me and improved my condition. I haven't noticed any side effects.

Gregory Hillton, LA:
Atarax is the best medication I have tried for relieving nausea. I needed something very special because due to the complex surgery I had last month I have to take strong painkillers that make me sick and I need something that could let me function properly. I take 50 mg of Atarax and it brings everything in order. Wonderful drug at least for my case.

Brigitte Todds, MS:
Atarax has worked miracles for my anxiety. Sometimes I could get so worried that slightest problem could make me burst into tears, I couldn't sleep well at night and when I did I had awful nightmares. I've tried many meds before this drug has done the trick.

Tim Finnegan, Chicago:
After my brother came back from Iraq it was unbearable for the whole family to cope with his anxiety. He could scream at night, he could run away for several days just to stay away from the people around him. Nothing to say about insomnia, lack of appetite and general anxiety. Our family doctor tried many meds and even hypnosis, but only Atarax produced some positive result. Gradually my brother comes back.

Kim, Ottawa:
Great medication for severe cases of anxiety. We used it to help my younger sister overcome her problems. Anxiety affected her ability to concentrate and therefore decreased her performance in school. This med helped her become cooler and calmer.

Henrietta Dickson, SD:
After giving birth to our son I faced certain problems with sleeping. I could lie for hours with my eyes open and think about different think but I couldn't fall asleep. I needed rest desperately and at the same time I had to look after the baby, feed him and take care of him. Therefore after a couple of weeks practically without sleep I got absolutely worn out. Everything was annoying for me. I couldn't communicate with people properly, I got aggressive and could be very rude at times. I went to our family GP and asked for help. He said it was general anxiety and that it happens to young mothers quite often. Then he prescribed me Atarax and it solved my problems. Of course, it took some time for my body to restore, but things got back to normal pretty soon.