Wynona Prescott, Grande Prairie:
I've been on Gleevec since September 2007 for Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. And I can say that I didn't have any problems with iron level, but maybe I am an exception. However I know many more people who had no problems with their iron while being on Gleevec. Before it I was on another medication but it was not effective at all and had serious side effects for me. but my doctor persuaded me that it was the best possible medication in my case and it had helped many people get on lasting remission. However, it caused me to vomit from time to time, besides I had severe leg cramping and that would make me crazy. In the night I needed several blankets to calm down the cramping and fall asleep. Sometimes I spent sleepless nights and felt incredibly weak and passive next day, especially if I vomited before and had absolutely no energy to live the day out. So after 2 months I insisted on switching to another medication and he put me on Gleevec. I consider it to be a lucky decision and I am happy that this medication is so effective for me and causes no additional problems.
Matt Fergusson, Farmintgon:
Gleevec is a really wonderful medication that saves lives and helps people maintain clear mind. I'v been on it for more than seven years now and I've had no side effects with it. You just have to be careful when taking the medication together with other strong drugs. For example I had to stop taking Interferon in order to get my heart function back to normal. But that's not a problem anymore as Gleevec offers so many more benefits. First of all I am still alive due to this medication. And I have been in remission for seven years, isn't it an evidence of the highest quality of the drug! I know that many people complain of nasty side effects and it's natural as we are all individuals and there can be no single solution equally good for all of us. So for some people Gleevec is the best solution, others have to continue their search. But when it comes to cancer, the most important thing is not to hang your head and continue searching. Cause there is a solution, you just have to find it. God bless us all!
Christy G., Minneapolis:
I am 46 years of age and my doctor put me on Gleevec to remove the tumor I have. Actually I had a surgery last year and I am taking Gleevec now to prevent possible reoccurrence of the tumor. I haven't had any side effects except for minor abdominal pain. But it is not significant in comparison to the benefits the medication provides. I am on Gleevec for more than 9 months and there is no single sign of the tumor to reappear. It goes without saying that my diagnosis was a shock for me. I thought that my life was over and now I am just had to for my death to come. But it was 6 years ago and at that time I knew nothing about cancer. Now I know a lot. I know that life goes on and the main treatment is in our minds. If we strongly decide to live and to find a solution, we'll do that. Even in most difficult situations hope works out miracles! It was my friend who told me about Gleevec. She is the sunniest person I know and you will never think that this charming woman has cancer if you meet her on the street. She is full of life and strong belief. And it is she whom I owe a great part of my success as I borrowed hope and belief from her. She was also taking Gleevec, but prior to the surgery and it stopped her tumor from growth. Now she's also on it to consolidate the success of the operation and I pray for her. I pray for everyone with same problems.