
Holly Barns, Manitoba:
I have been on Femara for more than a year now and I?m absolutely satisfied with the way it works. As for the side effects, the only one I?ve noticed by now is slight weight gain at the beginning of treatment - then it stopped. I have no more serious side effects than this. I take Femara every morning after having my breakfast. It naturally helped me to lower tumor markers significantly during recurrence. In general this medication is very effective and can give you not only hope but improvement as well.

Christine Raynolds, Denver:
I am starting my 3rd year on Femara for breast cancer treatment and I have had wonderful results. This medication helped me get considerable control over my tumors which stabilized since I started taking Femara. I have had no side effects at all what is very much uncommon for cancer medications, I think. I am now over 56 and am still very active and otherwise healthy. I believe that if I were depressed and negative there would be no positive result from the treatment. Now I am looking forward to many more years of good health with Femara.

Nicole Gills, Madison, WI:
I have been on Femara for almost 5 years now. My oncologist says that Femara is the reason of my improvements. My tumors naturally stopped growing since I started taking this medication. And the only side effect that I have noticed was light migraine after taking the drug, but it is almost unnoticeable. Three of my friends (whom I met at the hospital when I was just starting visiting my oncologist regularly) also started taking Femara simultaneously with me. They report improvement in this or that degree, but still they are happy with the way Femara works. Some of them had noticed hair thinning during treatment, but sometimes you just have to choose.

Barbara K., Milwaukee:
I have undergone 8 months of Femara treatment. I am very much enthusiastic about this drug as I have witnessed really positive changes during my treatment. With other cancer meds I was short of breath, felt horrible fatigue, had frequent nose bleeds and was sweating like hell. As for side effects of Femara I can name only occasional headaches, which do not bother me much. The side effect doesn't matter much in comparison with the benefits of this life-saving drug. I am so thankful to Femara!