Habriel Watkins, MA:
I have human immunodeficiency virus and I have tried many different medications to treat this disease. However the majority of them have severe side effects, like serious depression, vomiting or allergic reactions. I first noticed the first signs of the virus about 6 years ago, when I started feeling myself incredibly tired and developed fever. It is pure luck that my doctor tested me on HIV reaction and I found out that I am HIV-positive at an early stage. Of course, greatest luck would be to have no HIV, but if you're infected, the earlier you know it, the more chances for a better life you have. My doctor told me that my symptoms were the initial stage which later is followed by a symptomless stage that could last for years and usually many of HIV-positive patients find out about their disease only after 4-8 years of getting the virus. That is a lot of time given to the disease for free. And it doesn't waste the time. It gradually damages new and new cells of your body leaving less and less defensive potential for you. But when detected at an early stage and treated professionally, HIV can be taken under control and the patient can live a long and happy life observing doctor's instructions and taking good care of himself. According to my doctor Nevirapine produces the best effect on my immune system than any other medication we have tried out during this time. And I am happy to know it. Check out yourself!
Melinda S., Yellowknife:
I am a 29-year-old female and I am HIV-positive. But this is not the major concern for me. What makes me worry most is the fact that three months ago I got pregnant and now I can't sleep at night thinking how to protect my child from the virus. My husband is very supportive and he says we'll cope with these problems and we'll find a solution. I know that there are three most dangerous stages when the human immunodeficiency virus can be transmitted from mother to child: during pregnancy, during delivery and when breast-feeding. I decided for myself that if I cope with the two first stages I will reject breast-feeding in order to avoid unnecessary risks. Actually my doctor is quite optimistic. He has put me on Nevirapine and he says the medication produces excellent results. He says we'll out the baby on Nevirapine as well in order to protect him from the virus. Through years of practice he had several HIV-positive patients and they were lucky not to transmit the virus to their babies with the help of Nevirapine. I think that the way medication helps me control my disease is a good sign and my baby will stay healthy and will have a long and happy life. I pray for Nevirapine.
Sandra Miles, NY:
I have been taking HIV medications for 6 years now, actually from the time I was diagnosed with the virus. For the last four months I have been on Nevirapine, it was my doctor decision. He said that clinical tests of this medication were excellent and he thinks it to be a better solution for me. So I switched to Nevirapine and actually I feel much better now. I do not get tired that easily, I have much more energy by the end of the day, there are no days of depression any more. So with Nevirapine I got not only hope for a better and longer life but also I got rid of the majority of side effects I used to have with other drugs. For example one medication caused me so bad diarrhea that I was afraid of going out of my place for a long time as I could be back too late). With Nevirapine life of an HIV-positive person is likely to get better, I have checked it on my personal example.