Nuzide (Gliclazide)
Patricia Freeman, NY:
Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2 about seven years ago. During this time I have changed many medications to control my blood sugar levels. For the last two years I have been on Metformin twice a day. But that was not the best solution for me as I had frequent problems with my stomach like diarrhea and colitis. So I asked my doctor to select another medication for me and soon he prescribed me with Gliclazide once a day. That was about three month ago and since that time I really felt no more pain in my stomach and there were no more diarrhea attacks. However at first I felt considerably fatigued during the day. This strange feeling soon disappeared and now everything seems to be perfect. About three weeks ago I had another test and the results were much better than with Metformin. I am actually happy with Gliclazide and even if the fatigue wouldn't leave I would still prefer it to other drugs as it causes considerably less side effects and produces better results at the same time. Besides it is easier to take the medication - once a day you have fewer chances to forget about the next dosage.
Harrison Redcliff, Ottawa:
I am 43 years of age and I have diabetes type 2 since I was a teenager. I have been on Gliclazide for at least three years now. I must say that I am more than just pleased with the way this medication copes with my diabetes. I have never found any problem with Gliclazide. However to be honest I have to say that before Gliclazide there were also effective medications that helped me control my blood sugar levels. There was just one problem with those meds I liked - they all caused me to gain weight. And I don't want to look like a donut. I am an attractive man and I enjoy success with women. I'm fed up with having to deal with the disease till the end of my life so I wouldn't tolerate any side effects, especially affecting my appearance. With Gliclazide I have no concerns about my weight - it keeps at the point I like without any additional efforts. And it keeps me alive, what is the most important thing of course!
Kylie Griffits, Milwaukee:
I have type 2 since I remember myself. Now I'm 32 and I take Gliclazide to control my blood sugar. Of course it is not really pleasant to find out at an early age that you have a disease that is unlikely to be treated completely, especially when it is diabetes that could be life-threatening if not taken proper care of. But what can be done? It's hereditary. I could only reassure myself that my mother had the same problems and at her time there were less effective meds. And in spite of all she had a long and interesting life and now enjoys being a happy mother, grandmother and beloved wife. At first it was really difficult for me to cope with all those shots, pills and fainting in case of a forgotten dosage. Then I gradually learned how to stay alive and not to affect the quality of my life. With Gliclazide it is especially easy, but I have been on it only during the latest year and a half. Before I had a long list of meds that were either not effective enough or caused additional problems like diarrhea, fatigue, shaking or weight gain. The tests show that Gliclazide allows me to have blood sugar levels close to normal with minimal efforts - I just take the med once a day. This medication is among my favorite ones - best effectiveness and least side effects. I have also told about Gliclazide to a friend of mine whose diagnosis is the same and she also consulted with her doctor about switching to this medication. And he approved. She is also pleased with the way Gliclazide makes the life of diabetes sufferers easier and more enjoyable.
Jarrod E. Braddy, Westside:
I've been taking Gliclazide medicine for three months now. And I have to say that this medication is one of the best diabetes type 2 treatments that I have ever tried. With Gliclazide I have noticed a significant drop in my blood sugar level. And this medication is the only diabetes drug that doesn't make me sick in the morning. It is amazing as I thought that was a compulsory side effect in my case. It was very uncomfortable for me as I couldn't use public transport because of my morning motion sickness and I also couldn't drive my own car as I was not confident of my ability to do that, I had severely blurred vision at times. But with Gliclazide there is no vomiting, no dizziness, nothing like that and I am very happy with this medication. Now I can work normally, I perform my daily household duties and I know that my blood sugar is under control as well. This is quite an unusual feeling - being in full control of my life and health since the time I have been diagnosed with diabetes. I like Gliclazide and I hope that it won't change the way it works for me.
Jane March, Alberta:
I am 43 and I live with diabetes type 2 for more than 20 years of my life. I know the true value of an effective medication as during all this time I have tried many different drugs and they all produced absolutely different effect on my health condition, and they also had very different side effects at times. The worst medication I have tried caused me diarrhea and vomiting after every meal I had. That was a real torture. I was losing weight uncontrollably and felt as an empty balloon. With other meds I used to have fever symptoms, blurred vision and on the contrary weight gain. Still other drugs would cause insomnia, groundless anxiety and restlessness. I couldn't sleep at night, was weak and passive during the day and soon switched to another medication. But about 7 months ago my doctor put me on Gliclazide and that was the best thing that happened to me this year! The drug helps me easily control my appetite and eating habits, therefore weight gain as well; and my blood sugars dropped significantly. In other words, I enjoy Gliclazide greatly and would recommend it to other diabetes t2 sufferers. This drug is something special; at least it is so for me.
Cameron Ashley, Bakersfield:
I am 57 years of age and I have been diagnosed with diabetes type 2 when I was 23. Since that time I have been constantly struggling with the disease for my life and my right to live it the way I like. As any other serious disease diabetes imposes a lot of changes and restrictions on a person. You have to learn eat in a new way, plan your day taking into account your diagnosis, chose work in accordance with your physical abilities and condition. And an effective medication could be a real blessing that takes away some of the restrictions making you feel normal again. I want to tell you about my experience with Gliclazide pills. This medication helped me a lot in controlling my eating. It consequently helped me lose the extra weight I gained when on other diabetes type 2 meds and it is also very effective at bringing my blood sugar down without dropping it to low at the same time. It is a great solution. Cause some diabetes meds are not effective at all, while others can drop your sugar level too low and you'll have to eat candies to bring it back. With Gliclazide I am confident in my medical treatment. This medication is exactly what I have been looking for. There are so many drugs for diabetes sufferers on the market today that it takes years to find a medication that will be good for you, without side effects, without complications. For me Gliclazide is ideal and my doctor is also very happy with the way it stabilizes my blood sugars.