
Bob Timberlake, Nashville:
My wife had terrible depression some time ago, we couldn't even talk! My best friend is a pharmacist, so he was the first man I came to. His advice was Effexor therapy, I trust him on 100%, so I've immediately ordered Effexor pills at your pharmacy. Now it's all ok, just as it was before her depression had started. Thanks!

Katie, Allston, MA, United States:
I've been on a number of different antidepressants over the years and I've found that Effexor works for me best.

Avery, Minnesota, USA:
I've recently started taking Effexor for social anxiety disorder. This has been a major problem in my life for a long time. With Effexor my life has already become much easier. I'm much more comfortable in situations requiring public interactions.

Jade, Colorado:
I've been on Effexor for depression for some time already. I like this medicine - it improves my condition without any noticeable side effects, unlike some other drugs I've tried.