Ursula Kyle, Camden:
Astelin is the only prescription antihistamine nasal spray that I can use to treat symptoms caused by both seasonal allergens and environmental irritants. The thing is that my allergy usually becomes even more severe after taking some new medication. Luckily it didn't happen with Astelin. This drug provides me with relief from bothersome congestion, itchy and runny nose, sneezing and drip. What's also very important for me is that Astelin is steroid-free and does not contain pseudoephedrine. This is the med I've been looking for for so long!
Gil Stetham, Calgary:
I was recently prescribed with Astelin when I went to the doctor with the severest sinus headache I have ever had. Now I can say, the med is totally worth every penny! It works immediately; you can even feel the stuffiness breaking up immediately! I take Astelin 2 times per day and have no problems with breathing, sneezing and feeling fragrances. Astelin works wonders for running spring noses like mine!
I have been using Astelin almost daily for almost 4 years every morning and night. It is the best treatment for my severe case of allergy! I've been taking antihistamines over 15 years and I know the true value of a trusted med. That's why I plan to stick with Astelin as long as I can. This is an excellent solution for me, and the delivery service is really helpful.
I have been using Astelin almost daily for almost 4 years every morning and night. It is the best treatment for my severe case of allergy! I've been taking antihistamines over 15 years and I know the true value of a trusted med. That's why I plan to stick with Astelin as long as I can. This is an excellent solution for me, and the delivery service is really helpful.
Mike Stenders, LA:
I have developed a severe allergy to pollen about two years ago. My nose and eyes turn into fountains every spring, it's damn disgusting! I've been put on several different antihistamines and I can say with all my confidence, Astelin is by far the most effective. I'm so glad my doctor put me on this. I can finally breathe and see again, all year round.